Bright Streaks
I just had a couple of bright lightening like streaks shimmering it the visual
field of my right eye for about ten minutes. Disturbing. This happened at least
once before, more than a year ago. That time I had been visiting Mom & Dad and
was driving back to Bremerton and it came up just as I was getting onto
Highway 3 from Highway 305. At the time I attributed it to the high-test coffee
I had been drinking at Mom & Dad's (this was before I switched to decaf).
Today I haven't had caffeinated coffee but got the same bright streaks again.
Right now they're gone, thank God. Very distracting effect.
Yesterday I installed Fluxbuntu on my eMachines T3256 computer that has an
Athlon XP 3200+ processor and 512 MB ram. I'm really happy with it so far.
This combination is much peppier than my Ubuntu 7.04 AMD 64 setup on what
should be a faster AMD Sempron 64 chip backed up with a gig of ram. The
only real hang up I have so for is that I don't know how to use the Nano or VI
text editors very well. I could just install gedit (I think) but I want to try to do
things the Fluxbuntu way.
field of my right eye for about ten minutes. Disturbing. This happened at least
once before, more than a year ago. That time I had been visiting Mom & Dad and
was driving back to Bremerton and it came up just as I was getting onto
Highway 3 from Highway 305. At the time I attributed it to the high-test coffee
I had been drinking at Mom & Dad's (this was before I switched to decaf).
Today I haven't had caffeinated coffee but got the same bright streaks again.
Right now they're gone, thank God. Very distracting effect.
Yesterday I installed Fluxbuntu on my eMachines T3256 computer that has an
Athlon XP 3200+ processor and 512 MB ram. I'm really happy with it so far.
This combination is much peppier than my Ubuntu 7.04 AMD 64 setup on what
should be a faster AMD Sempron 64 chip backed up with a gig of ram. The
only real hang up I have so for is that I don't know how to use the Nano or VI
text editors very well. I could just install gedit (I think) but I want to try to do
things the Fluxbuntu way.