

It's like there was frost on the windshield after work tonight. Damn, we are really getting into that unpleasant winterish weather. The good thing so far is that we haven't had the relentless rain that would be typical of this time of year, thanks God. Driving, drenching rains I can do without.

Now for dinner I'm going to have a Hostess Fruit Pie of the apple persuasion because that's what I want. I've just made me some decaf so that will be fine. At 2200 Hrs Numb3rs comes on Channel 7. I think I'll tape it because last night I installed FreeNAS on my old 800 MHZ HP computer and I want to mess around with that. It was so quick and easy to install it's funny. I haven't been able to figure out how to make a file server with Ubuntu Server 7.04, it's probably easy if you know how but I've already got to the Webgui with FreeNAS and it should be working like a charm pretty quick.

Saw a hawk perched on a light pole near Bangor Base either this morning or yesterday morning, can't recall exactly. Again. It is only around that area that I have ever seen a hawk. They are raptors, you know.

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