
HP Scanner

I picked up an HP Scanjet 2200c at St Vinnies today. The price was $4.95 plus tax. The scanner came with the AC adapter which was good because I got some used ones before that didn't. A couple of Cannon scanners I haven't been able to check out because I haven't found a 10 VDC power supply to run them with.
I'm going to keep looking because the HP scanner I got today doesn't quite work right. It leaves streaks and a blueish caste on the right side of the image. If it worked right it would be great even though I think more recent and/or expensive scanners have much better resolution. It doesn't take a ton of resolution to scan a pic suitable for the web.



It was raining pretty hard as I left Poulsbo after work tonight. But once I got past Silverdale the road was bone dry. This has happened before, of course.

This was awards banquet night. Not related, but there was a ton of work to do today but I managed to get done by the end of the shift, mostly.

Now I'm going to warm up my piece of pizza and watch my tape of tonight's Survivor. There only a couple more episodes for this season and yet they still have a lot of people to get rid of.

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