
Fire Alarm

There was a fire alarm today in the kitchen. Apparently the cook had forgotten to turn back on the big venting fans that someone had turned off. It probably didn't help that the water in the sanitizing sink was boiling uncontrollably even though the power switch was turned off. I think this had happened before where the heater gets stuck on. I went and told the maintenance guy but he said, a 'I'll come back in a while to see if it is still on.' Before he could the fire alarm came on. The water was boiling and steaming like crazy, I think that this is what pushed the fire detectors over the edge. Anyways, while we were waiting for the fire dept. to do their perfunctory walk-through the maint. guy turned off the breaker to the sink heater thus eliminating that as a cause (of the false alarm) for the firemen to consider.

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