
A Monday, Got a Headache

1,146,563,000. Mowed some of the grass. The neighbors landlord was in their garage with another person working on something. Makes me a bit nervous, don't want to meet anyone especially someone who disapproves of me for possibly not doing great things for real estate values.
Then I went down the street to the thrifty shops. At the Annex saw a $2 computer that the shop was selling off as-is. I continued on to the main store. They had a Packard Bell on the shelf, 150 mhz, very like Rose's for about $22. Didn't see anything I wanted at the main store. I had a dollar bill and some quarters so on the way home I restopped at the Annex and bought the not-working computer that was outdoors on the bench for $2.17 (including state tax).

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