

It stopped raining this evening. The stars came out and now it's bitterly cold. I have three heaters going, I would turn them up high but I don't want to blow a fuse or melt the cords. The good thing is that the roof isn't leaking for the moment. In past years it wouldn't leak unless there was blowing rain form the south (not super unusual). I'm getting the impression that now it will leak even with a steady drizzle (super usual), I hope I'm mistaken about that.
I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of my new KVM extension cable. I'm always on the computer and the PSU fan drone is wearing for sure. Being able to locate the noisy parts a few meters away form the monitor and keyboard will be nice--the noise will be around the corner and maybe I can get some sound absorbing panels to put adjacent to the case to make the noise even less audible. Low tech solution, and the cost this way isn't much less than the Thermaltake PSU that was claimed to be silent ($41 vs $52) but it was on back order at ZipZoomFly last time I looked so I'm going with remote placement for starters.

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