
3com Etherlink III

I was trying to set up my Ubuntu 7.04 server and I couldn't get onto the network. I looked into the Ubuntu forums and found out that the Etherlink III nic is not detected under Linux so I swapped it for a generic nic made by National Semiconductor and, bada bing- bada boom, the generic card is detected. I was able to get on the net and install irssi with no problem.

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Refried Beans

I watched Kitchen Nightmares tonight. It was about the Seascape Restaurant in Islip, NY. This time Chef Ramsey got rid of the chef and the sous chef fired before he whiped the restaurant into shape. That's what it takes sometimes. The epilogue was that the restaurant was sold some months after Ramsey rescued it. Maybe his handiwork showed the buyers how valuable the place could be and so the owners got a better price for it.

For dinner I heated up refried beans and made bean burritos or a sort, with jalapenos and mozzarella cheese.

During dinner I was not only watching the TV but also monitoring #puppylinux and #ubuntu on irc.freenode.net. I try to keep busy in my idleness.

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