

The old Sony Vaio that I had gotten from the thrift store won't run except in Safe Mode. I had hardly used it since I got it but yesterday and today I was playing around with the TV tuner and MS Access. Well, I tried to install SUPP622.EXE on the hard disk so I could use DOS with the Dvorak keyboard and right after that it quite being able to run in normal mode. I was able to remove SUPP622.EXE but that didn't rectify the problem. Don't know what the hang up is, of course. This machine has a weird BIOS so I don't know if I will be able to run Linux on it to make it useful. It only has a 266 Pentium on it so it's not a big deal.


I Watched Survivor on VHS

They voted Candice off Survivor tonight. She was this tall, thin, athletic girl that was falling in love with Adam and was one off the leaders of the "hate- Jonathon-club". Adam won immunity by answering questions and then doing a math problem based on a number associated with the answer to each question and using final resulting number from the math problem to choose a lock from a numbered box to find a key that unlocked a flag that unfurled to show who was first. It was a little complex.
Earlier, Jonathon won most of the goodies in an auction where everyone started out with $500. Most of the losers didn't bid enough despite the fact that they all had the same amount of money. Then all the losers were mad at Jonathon for his auction successes!
Yul foolishly showed all that he has the 'hidden' immunity token. It has turned into a free pass to the final four.

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